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What is the best homemade remedy for pain?

What is the best homemade remedy for pain?

In the modern era of “better living through chemistry,” we have a tendency to just pop a pill whenever we feel pain. However, through thousands of years of holistic medicine, people have been able to manage their pain through non-invasive procedures and intentional eating. Natural remedies typically have minimal or no side effects.

Sometimes doing something is preferable to taking something. Before turning to medication, try any one of the following 7 natural pain relief methods because they may actually work. Additionally, when you first try natural healing, you can gauge how serious your condition is. If nothing but pills help, it’s crucial to see your doctor to see if there’s anything more serious going on.

On the other hand, a natural method might very well work for common aches and pains. Use these 7 tried-and-true tactics to feel your best. In actuality, Method #7 is very similar to a well-known OTC analgesic!

1. Acupuncture

Since it was first used in traditional Chinese medicine over two thousand years ago, acupuncture is now used all over the world. Very small needles are inserted into specific body parts during the procedure. It balances your chi, which is the holistic explanation for why it relieves pain. Acupuncture is thought to be effective by Western medical professionals because it stimulates connective tissue, muscles, and nerves. They at least concur that it does.

Make sure to select an experienced practitioner if you want to try acupuncture for persistent pain. Be aware that every patient must receive a new needle per the law. The majority of acupuncture’s side effects are minor, but at some of the insertion points you might feel a little sore or see some light bruising. Acupuncture should not be administered to pregnant women or people with bleeding disorders.

2. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can be your best friend if your pain is brought on by arthritis, a skin abrasion, a muscle strain, or bumps and bruises. Spending some time in a warm Epsom bath helps with pain relief and mental health. It is impossible to ignore the advantages of mindfulness and meditation, which are easy to practice while taking a bath.

According to science, the reason Epsom salt reduces pain is because it dissolves into magnesium and sulfate. It is well known that magnesium affects how pain signals move throughout your body from your brain. Additionally, it controls muscle contractions and lessens depressive symptoms. These advantages are delivered directly to your painful areas by an Epsom bath.

3. Bodywork

Tensed muscles can cause pain occasionally by pulling other body parts out of alignment. Around stiff joints and the site of any injuries, chronic inflammation can also persist, which reduces blood flow and produces pain. Massage can improve blood flow, relax stiff joints, and relax tense muscles.

Because of this, doctors are increasingly suggesting massage as an alternative to traditional medicine. Not only can massage reduce uncomfortable physical symptoms, but it can also help with anxiety and depression management. Some people even claim that getting regular massages reduces the frequency of their migraine attacks. Choose a massage therapist you feel at ease with, and don’t be afraid to speak up if the pressure is too strong for you.

4. Cloves

A sweet and sour herb called clove can be used to treat a variety of pains. In fact, many over-the-counter (OTC) ointments sold for pain relief contain eugenol, the active ingredient in cloves. When applied topically, clove oil is a powerful pain reliever for toothaches, inflammation, and headaches. However, clove can also be consumed internally. You can find it whole, ground, and powdered, in addition to in oil.

Be aware that using clove oil excessively or for extended periods of time can harm your skin. Additionally, it is not advised for those who use blood thinners. But clove is a great all-natural pain reliever for headaches or sore muscles.

5. Comfrey Extract

Cream made from comfrey root is another option for natural treatment. According to a recent study on back pain sufferers, topical application can significantly lessen pain. Nearly 95% of participants said that using it made them feel better. Additional research on people with arthritis and ankle sprains produced reliable results.

The presence of allantoin and rosmarinic acid in comfrey is thought to be the primary mechanism by which it reduces pain. Rosmarinic acid is known to reduce inflammation and ease pain, but allantoin can also be helpful because it has been shown to hasten the production of new skin cells. Comfrey should only be applied topically; further research is required to determine whether or not it is carcinogenic when consumed.

6. Ice and Heat

An age-old method of pain relief that is still practiced today is the application of heat and ice. A crucial first step in treating pain is to alternate between applying heat and ice. But you must follow the proper application order to get the best results.

Applying ice to the area of your pain is a crucial first step. Ice burn can be avoided by placing a towel or piece of cloth between the cold source and your skin. Cold numbs pain and reduces inflammation. Let your skin warm up to its normal temperature after applying ice to the area for up to 30 minutes. After that, use a heating pad to apply heat. Any muscles that had tightened up around the sore spot will relax thanks to the heat, which will also ease stiffness.

7. Willow Bark

Try willow bark if you’re certain you need something stronger to get through your pain. Salicin, a substance found in it, is related to acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, which you’re probably familiar with. Willow bark was chewed by people to treat pain, fevers, and inflammation long before aspirin was created and manufactured in a laboratory. You can now buy dried willow bark to make a tea that relieves pain. Taking a liquid or capsule supplement is even simpler, though it might be less calming.

Willow bark can have the same negative effects as aspirin despite being natural. If you use it frequently, you might get an upset stomach, a bleeding disorder, or a slowdown in kidney function. Because it is challenging to administer the correct dosage to children, willow bark is not safe for them. If you take warfarin or another anticoagulant medication, stay away from willow bark.


Remember that everything on our list has been successfully used by humans for centuries if you have shied away from trying natural pain relief methods because you think they can’t possibly work. Prior to turning to medication, it is always worthwhile to try the least invasive treatment option.

You have a much lower chance of experiencing side effects, and you might ultimately need much less of the difficult stuff. That benefits your body, mind, and wallet all around.

Disclaimer: Any information published on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. You should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.